Friday, May 27, 2016

McKoy's Birth Story

The last few weeks before McKoy was born were stressful ones. At 35 weeks we found out that he was breach. I was disappointed but deep down thought he would turn on his own. The doctor told me he had two weeks to turn and if he didn't then we would have you go to the hospital to do a Version. When we got home I wanted to do all that I could to get him to turn. I called my sister-in-law Mickelle for her advice because she had a breach baby for a little while. She told me her biggest help was going to a chiropractor to do the Webster technique. So I looked up the closest chiropractor that specialized in the Webster technique and made an appointment, The closest one was 45 min away from where we lived. I had to go up twice a week. With working all day then driving up and back for those appointments made for long days. I was walking, sitting on the floor with my butt in the air, I even tried putting a bag a frozen peas where his head was. No Luck. I was getting nervous. My next appointment at 37 weeks told me that he was still breach and they set up an appointment at the hospital that Friday for the version. They called me Thursday night, told me my version was scheduled for 10:30 am, and we had to be there at 8:30 am. I was also told I could not eat or drink anything after midnight. in the morning when we got there. The nurses treated me like I was having a baby that day. Wrote my name down on the white board had me change into a hospital gown and everything just in case they had to do an emergency C-Section. I was really scared. The nurse we had kept saying,"Babies are so naughty."  Dr. Jacob came in and did an ultrasound. After a few minutes he could tell that McKoy's umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck at least once maybe twice. Because of this Dr. Jacob decided not to do the version that day. He instructed that I go up to the OB office and do stress tests twice a week. They would schedule a C-Section at 39 Weeks. You would think at this moment I would have been scared but instead I felt peace. Dr. Jacob was so kind and sympathetic towards my feelings. Looking back, those last two weeks felt like months. I went up on Tuesdays and Fridays to do my stress tests which I loved. I got to sit in this big comfy chair and listen to my babies heart beat for 20 minutes.

All of my tests went great. My C-Section was scheduled for March 21st. My last Dr's appointment I was informed me that on the 21st they were gonna try another version only with an epidural. If they got him to turn then they would induce me.
My C-Section was scheduled for 9:30 am. We had to be there 2 hours early. Same drill, couldn't eat or drink anything after midnight.  I remember that morning of the 21st getting my makeup on. Trent came into the bathroom, looked at me, gave me a hug and said, "Lets go have a baby." 

(Arriving at the hospital)

We arrived at the hospital and we had a lot of luggage to carry in. With a C-Section they told me I would stay 3 nights. We got up to the labor and delivery floor and as we were getting checked in a couple walked through the doors. The girl looked at the receptionist and said, "I think I'm in labor." The receptionist asked us to have a seat. Haha, understandably, we were pushed aside. As we waited another couple came in. This time the girl was in a wheelchair. Her husband was trying to push her through the door but he couldn't get her through fast enough before it would come back and hit the wheelchair again. I jumped up to help, but she stopped the door, got up and said to her husband annoyed, "I can walk." The receptionist came back and helped them. We waited for a good half hour.

Waiting to get Checked in

We finally got checked in. I changed into my hospital gown, and Trent and I waited for further instruction. 

The last picture. 3 hours before he was born.

Dr. Jacob came in, did an ultrasound. It was hard to see but he didn't think the cord was around McKoy's neck anymore. He asked us if we wanted to go ahead and try the version. We asked him a few questions and decided to do it. The nurse got my IV in and I started to get really dizzy. I would lay on my side. It would go away. She'd lay me on my back and the dizziness would come right back. I had to keep laying on my side for it to go away. I would close my eyes cause it felt better. Trent kept saying, "Cass open your eyes. Your scaring me." It got to the point where I was OK to be on my back. The anesthesiologist came in to do my epidural. He was Amazing! As he was doing the process he walked me through everything. He would say your gonna feel a pinch, or you may feel nauseous here, and whatever he said would happen. He really knew what he was doing. Which is good cause I HATE needles.
They let me sit and get numb for a while. I hated the feeling of going numb. About 20 min later Dr. Jacob came in to do the version. He pushed at the bottom of my stomach where McKoy's bum was then took his other hand and pushed down where his head was. He tried for about 30 sec and then they checked McKoys heart rate. It had gone down to about 100. He said that was OK and continued. This time he was really trying and went about 2 minutes. I could just feel tugging, but Trent said it looked really painful. They checked the heart rate again and it had gone down to 70. The Dr stopped and said, "OK lets go." He told us that he could only get McKoy to move half way and then he wouldn't budge anymore. Everyone Started moving so fast. I got worried and keep asking if this was an emergency. They told me, "No, but we are gonna move fast." Trent called my mom, and they gave him his clothes to put on. The anesthesiologist came in and gave me another dose of the epidural. Then they wheeled me into the operating room. They got me into position, pulled a sheet up so I couldn't see from my chest down. Then they put my arms in these balloon type things that hot air was blown into to keep me warm. I could not stop shaking. It also hard for me to breath. It felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest. I was trying hard not to shake, not panic cause I couldn't breath, and trying not to cry. Needless to say I was terrified. Trent sat by my head and held my hand. His other hand was on my head calming me. Dr. Jacob told me that they were gonna go ahead and start. I never felt anything except for tugging. About 2 minutes he said well hes defiantly a boy. Only a minute later I heard a little cry. Trent looked at me and said, "He's here." I only heard that little cry and then nothing. I was worried and keep asking Trent, "Is he OK?" He reassured me that he was fine and they had him in the other room. The told Trent he could go in there. That's where McKoy was weighed,  and measured. 

He was born at 10:54 am., Weighed 5 lbs 14 oz, and was 17 inches long.

They wrapped him up, and  Trent came holding him. I finally got to see him for the first time. Trent put him on my chest and I was able to do skin to skin. I remember as Trent brought him to me McKoy was kind of crying and when he was put on me he calmed right down and went to sleep.

This was my favorite thing. The nurse was able to get our first family of three picture.

Once they were done sewing me up they wheeled me back into the room I was in before. My mom was waiting. It was so good to see her.

 I started nursing him right away. He was awesome and knew exactly what to do.

After I nursed him they wheeled me to the mother and baby floor. My mom came with us and once we were settled she was able to hold McKoy.

 Grandma Oliver

Over the next few days we had so many visitors come!

Aunt Shyanne and Grandma Oliver

            Grandma Anderson                                                             Grandpa Anderson

                                                                                                               Uncle Tyrel

Aunt Liz                                                  Great Grandpa and Grandma Oliver

                                       Aunt Marva

                              Aunt Melanie and Cousin Jayclyn

The rest of our time was spent trying to figure out this parent thing, but mostly just loving and looking at McKoy in amazement. 

 So tired!

We had to name this beautiful baby. Trent really liked the name McKoy and I liked the name Luke. Through out my pregnancy we decided to wait and officially name him until we saw him. Naming a child is hard work. I remember looking at him trying to figure what name would fit him. When I looked at him though I felt like he looked more like a McKoy then a Luke and it felt right. So we named him McKoy T Anderson. The letter T for Trenton. 

I will always treasure those few days in the hospital. But when Thursday came Trent and I were more than ready to go home.

Getting ready. First time with clothes on.

Before we left by our hospital room.

In the car seat on our way home!

We love you so much McKoy! Our lives have definitely changed now that your here, but for the better. We wouldn't have it any other way!

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